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Reflecting the values of Vérité Estate, and our desire to build a more sustainable future, we are proud to present our 2021 Vérité wines in new, lighter weight packaging.

This elegant packaging, which is made of recycled paper fiber and finished in a luxurious, soft-touch texture, offers exceptional protection against impact and thermal shock. Compared to traditional wooden boxes, this new design will dramatically lower our carbon footprint due to the following:

  • Our new boxes are composed 90% of recycled materials, compared to traditional wooden boxes which have no recycled components.
  • Switching from wood to a paper box, results in a significant weight reduction of over three pounds.
  • Our new design takes up less space compared to traditional Vérité wooden boxes, with a 51% reduction in size of the exterior cardboard boxes that protect our wines during shipping.
  • Due to the substantially lower total shipping weight and smaller size of these new boxes, we will achieve significant reductions in our carbon footprint throughout all phases of shipping.

We trust that the thoughtful design and durable construction of our new sustainable packaging will make you feel good, knowing your wines are well-protected while delivering a meaningful reduction in waste, and reducing the impacts on our environment.

Verite Paper Box